Subdomain Bruteforce Tool



This Subdomain Bruteforce Tool is a command-line utility designed for identifying live subdomains of a given domain through DNS resolution. It is written in Go and uses concurrent workers to efficiently check the availability of subdomains.


  • Single domain or multiple domains from a list can be checked.
  • Utilizes DNS resolution to identify live subdomains.
  • Concurrent workers for improved performance.

Get From Github: 0xSubBf

Usage Example

  1. Single domain:
0xSubBf -i name.txt -d -o output.txt

2. Multiple domains from a list:

0xSubBf -i name.txt -d domains.txt -o output.txt


-d: Specify a single domain to check.
-dl: Specify a file containing a list of domains.
-i: Specify the input file containing subdomains to check.
-o: Specify the output file to save found subdomains.

Thanks For Reading



Shaheen Sikder
Shaheen Sikder

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